Sunday, June 8, 2008

Fuji 100 Acros

Recently I got the chance to get reacquainted with Fuji Acros 100 film. I last used this film (in 120 format) in 2003 and looking at my film processing notes, I processed it in Rodinal 1+200 and "stand developed" for 2 hours at 20 degrees C. As the air conditioner in my darkroom is always set to 23 deg, I supposed the temperature of the developer at the end of the development period must have been around 23 degrees C. The results then was not that bad, but was not outstanding either.

This time round, in 35mm format, I decided (from looking at the various forums in the net) to use Rodinal at 1+50 for 10 minutes, using the Jobo processor.

Looking at the results, reminded me of what Roger Hicks wrote in the UK magazine Black & White Photography. If I remember correctly, he said that Acros is not as sharp as Ilford Delta...... it would suit the larger formats where sharpness is not the issue. Here are my pics from the Acros film.

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